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52 Timeless Truths to Help Navigate Today's World

The Wisdom Book, #1 International Best Seller in 10 countries, is a powerful transformational tool that offers the reader greater insight and understanding as to life’s true meaning and purpose. It provides tools and techniques to help navigate the challenges of today’s world with its 52 profound Teachings for every week of the year. Each teaching offers guidance on how to connect with your Soul’s infinite wisdom which can lead you to living a happier, healthier and more meaningful life. The Truths are a Roadmap Home to greater wholeness and wellbeing, reminding us that life is meant to be a lot more fun and joyous than the serious and stressful endeavor it has become for many.
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Engaging in creative work allows your Soul to more readily connect with you and reveal itself to you. What you create, is less important than that you are creating . . . so begins one of the 52 timeless truths of wisdom so beautifully and elegantly presented in this book. As Halla shares her soul’s journey through this gathering of underlying Truths that are accompanied by evocative images of tribal art, you will remember some Truths and be inspired by others. Some will bring laughter or tears of recognition. Others will spark goosebumps of realization. Each can speak to your soul and touch your heart, and your soul’s journey can lift and continue to unfold. It’s a powerful book. Profound. It will stir something more in you, perhaps something splendid, perhaps something sublime.


––  Jach Pursel, Channel for Lazaris


This lovely gem of a book is an open-hearted, beautiful and inspired guide to a deepening of wisdom and love. Simply open it at random and feast on the golden nuggets you find. Halla Ayla is a channel of light, healing and peace and I am grateful to be sitting at her sacred table.


–– Katherine Woodward Thomas, NY Times Bestselling Author of

    Calling in "The One" and Conscious Uncoupling


A beautiful and powerful guide to growing spiritually & discovering your Soul's Path. The author’s voice is filled with a compassionate understanding of the human experience. Halla guides you through the journey of awakening and wisdom, which can catapult you into depth of Self-realization that you may not have touched before. This book should be on everyone's shelf. Open it at random to get the wisdom message for the day, or read it from beginning to end, with a highlighter! Treasures await you.


–– Auriela McCarthy, Author of The Power of The Possible


The 52 truths in this book are a Goddess send. I found all the wisdom I will ever need all in one place! Every truth resonates with mind-boggling wisdom, clarity, and good will, and provide a gold mine of healing contemplation. The writing is both powerful and kind, sprinkled with moments of welcome humor. The art is gorgeous and fascinating. I plan to buy a copy for everyone I know so they can find solace, instruction and understanding for the rest of their lives. Thank you Halla, for this incredible gift of a book!


–– Leslie Kirk Campbell, Author of The Man With Eight Pairs of Legs


Halla has created a beautiful blending of art and wisdom, in which any page can uplift and reorient any given moment towards a sacred view. Not since learning of the Runes and Tarot have I seen such a collection of Timeless Truths so soulfully & poignantly depicted.


–– Sarah Powers, Author of Lit from Within & Insight Yoga 


The Wisdom Incubator Project             2024 Halla Ayla. All rights to content and images reserved.

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